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Here, you can find a broad range of examples of my illustrations, both for clients and personal purposes.

One somewhat comforting thing to remembe
Always reach out x
No words can justify how grateful I feel
I drew this piece about two years ago, i
All my cells love all your cells! Bodies
Time spent with loved ones is time well
Let someone know you’re thinking of them
For some kids, home isn’t a safe place t
Small steps._._._._._._._._._._._._
Let in the new 😊_._._._._._._._._
Hello, how are you doing__._._._._._
Hello everyone 🐥 How are you all doing_
Boo-tiful spirit
You are not alone
Storms don't least forever
If cats gave presentations

Commissioned by MyUCL news

All bodies are beautiful
The wound is where the light enters
You are truly wonderful
Spring is here
Jellyfish hearts
Hot air humour
Sole Mates
Believe in you
Happiness Equation

Commissioned by MyUCL news.

A bit of physics humour to begin the new
Coping with Stress

Commissioned by MyUCL news


Commissioned by MyUCL news.

For the women who were told they couldn'
from old website 1
mama ghost
1 in 4
eyes and mary
pencil mary from old website
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